California is the #1 state in the country in many wonderful ways. One inglorious area where California is #1 is pedestrian roadway deaths. That's not just because we have lots of people and lots of vehicles. The pedestrian mortality rate in California is substantially higher than the national rate (1.29 versus 1.04.) Many of these fatal pedestrian accidents are the result of car, truck, and SUV drivers who are going too fast, paying too little attention to the road, or both. If you've lost a loved one in a fatal pedestrian crash, it's possible that the vehicle driver was negligent and your family is entitled to compensation for the loss you've endured. An experienced Santa Barbara pedestrian accident lawyer can go over your options with you and help you make the best choice for your situation.

Not only is California more dangerous than the national average when it comes to pedestrian safety, the problem is continuing to get progressively worse. The state's Office of Traffic Safety reported that, in 2018, the number of pedestrian fatalities reached almost 900, a 26% increase from just four years earlier. A fatal incident in Goleta is one of the latest such examples. A local resident was crossing Hollister Avenue (a four-lane undivided road) when a Santa Barbara woman struck her with her vehicle. The pedestrian was dead by the time emergency responders arrived at the scene. Police investigators revealed that they did not believe drugs or alcohol were a factor in the deadly accident.
The pedestrian who died in the collision was an 86-year-old woman. Seniors and children are among the most vulnerable groups when it comes to fatal pedestrian accidents.
Getting Justice for Senior Victims

Lawsuits involving fatally injured senior or child pedestrians can also be comparatively tricky when it comes to getting justice for their loss. With many fatal pedestrian accidents, the pedestrian dies immediately or very shortly after the crash. As a result, the victim does not experience months or years of pain and suffering and does not rack up medical bills over a prolonged period. When the victim is a senior, chances are high that their income-earning years are over, meaning that compensation for things like medical expenses or lost earnings may be less than in other cases.
A skilled Santa Barbara personal injury lawyer can help families of the deceased pedestrian navigate the legal process, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve for their loss.